UPVC Door Lock Replacement
If you are having trouble with your uPVC door lock and require a replacement, Keytrak can help.
There a huge variety of uPVC door lock mechanisms in the UK, and it can be very difficult to source a like-for-like replacement if you don’t know what you’re looking for. Keytrak’s team of locksmiths are experienced in the repair and replacement of all types of uPVC lock mechanisms.
You have a couple options when trying to source a UPVC door lock replacement:
- Book an appointment with a locksmith or…
- Remove the lock and bring it into our trade counter
Check out the details below to help you choose the best solution for you:
What do i do when I need a uPVC door lock replacement?
- BOOK A LOCKSMITH If you aren’t very confident with tools, then your best bet is to book an appointment with a locksmith. The locksmith can then check what you need to get your door locking again. Whether that’s replacing the lock mechanism, accessories like handles, cylinders, hinges and keeps, or carrying out a repair to the existing hardware
- BRING THE LOCK INTO THE SHOP If you’re quite happy getting your hands dirty, then you can remove the lock mechanism and bring it into the Keytrak trade counter, and our workshop team can attempt a repair, or advise which part(s) you need to replace. You can find our address and opening times below:
Book an Appointment
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Where to find us
ADDRESS: Unit 1 Heron Business Park, Widnes, WA80SW
PHONE: 0151 495 5740
EMAIL: sales@keytrak.co.uk